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The Devil Conspiracy Ending Explained | Liz Gives Birth to Jesus Christ or Not?

The Devil Conspiracy Ending Explained in this article. In a world there is never ending fight between good and evil. Where lucifer try's to stop liz in giving birth to jesus christ in her vessel. Liz gives birth to Jesus christ or not? lets find in this article.

The Devil Conspiracy Ending Explained

The Devil Conspiracy Ending Explained

Laura, who has been imprisoned and impregnated with Jesus's DNA, manages to escape with the help of Michael, who is possessing the body of Marconi, the Italian priest. Michael and Laura make their way to Cardinal Vincini, who possesses the shroud of Jesus. The shroud is believed to have divine significance and power. Liz, who is working with the evil scientist Dr. Laurent, arrives at Lucifer Villa and summons him. It is revealed that Dr. Laurent has been collaborating with Liz and is involved in her plan. Michael and Cardinal Vincini, guided by their shared knowledge, set off for Lucifer Villa to confront Liz and stop Lucifer's plan.
Laura and the other imprisoned women, including Brenda, are brought out as captives to a gathering of cloaked worshipers. They are chained to a pillar, and a grotesque beast appears and takes them away into the bowels of hell.

Michael, still possessing Marconi's body, arrives at Lucifer Villa and manages to steal back the shroud of Jesus from Dr. Laurent.

Liz captures Laura again and reveals that Laura is carrying a new entity inside her, not Lucifer himself. It is implied to be a new prison for Lucifer.

Michael, realizing that everything is part of God's plan, regains his full divine powers and fights off demons in hell.

Michael is eventually imprisoned by super demons in the same way he had once imprisoned Lucifer.

Liz presents the forcibly birthed baby, believed to be the new Jesus, to the worshipers while Laura is forced down into hell.

Michael escapes his imprisonment and helps Laura escape before the gates of hell open, releasing all the demons.

Laura reaches Cardinal Vincini with the shroud of Jesus, symbolizing the preservation of divine power.

Michael shows up in his true angelic form in hell to release the hobbits, fulfilling his promise.

The movie ends with Laura and Cardinal Vincini playing with Laura's child, while Liz watches, realizing that Lucifer is now a prisoner of the new Jesus.


The ending suggests that Michael, Laura, and Cardinal Vincini have successfully thwarted Lucifer's plan and preserved the divine order. The imprisoned Lucifer serves as a reminder of the eternal struggle between good and evil, and the new Jesus represents a renewed hope for humanity. I hope you enjoyed this article

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