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Sarah Brady Claims Emotional Abusive on Actor Jonah Hill

In this article we gonnah explore that Sarah Brady claims emotional abusive on her ex boyfriend Jonah Hill by sharing some screenshots on instagram which was posted on friday and saturday. Lets get into depth.

Sarah Brady Claims Emotional Abusive on Actor Jonah Hill

Sarah Brady Claims Emotional Abusive on Jonah Hill

Sarah Brady, the former girlfriend of Jonah Hill, has come forward to share her side of the story, accusing the actor of being emotionally abusive during their relationship.

Sarah Brady took to Instagram Stories over the course of Friday and Saturday, where she posted multiple screenshots of alleged text message exchanges between herself and Jonah Hill.

She accompanied the posts with a warning to other women, urging them to make an exit plan if their Partners exhibit similar behaviour.

Sarah Brady's screenshots revealed text messages purportedly from Hill requesting her to remove surfing photos from her Instagram that depicted her ass in a thing.

Following Sarah Brady's assertion that she had deleted the posts, Jonah Hill allegedly responded by stating it was a good start but criticised her for not understanding his point.

According to reports, Jonah Hill wrote, "It's not my place to teach you. I've made my boundaries clear. You refuse to let go of some of them, and you've made that clear, and I hope it makes you happy."

Another screenshot shared by Sarah Brady showed a text message exchange between her and Hill where he allegedly stated that if she wanted to engage in activities such as surfing with men, modelling, posting pictures of herself in a bathing suit, or sharing sexual pictures, then he was not the right partner for her.

In a subsequent post, Sarah Brady disclosed that she also struggled with mental health but did not exploit it to control others as she claimed Jonah Hill had done to her.

She emphasised her year-long journey of healing and growth with support from loved ones and health care professionals to regain her life without feelings of guilt, shame, and self-judgement.

Sarah Brady proceeded to unveil alleged direct message exchanges between her and Jonah Hill wherein the actor appeared to make flirtatious comments about her surfing photos in another post.

She expressed her decision to share the incidents publicly stating that keeping them to herself was causing more harm to her mental well-being than revealing them ever could

Additionally Sarah Brady directed a message to Jonah Hill expressing her hope that if he were to have a daughter she would transform him into a true feminist.

She openly mocked his self-proclaimed feminist label deeming it laughable furthermore she wished for Jonah Hill to be surrounded by feminist men who could hold him accountable and facilitate his desired personal growth as he had expressed.

Sarah Brady acknowledged that being an emotionally abusive partner did not necessarily make someone a terrible person, attributing it to their own trauma, but she emphasised that such Behaviour was not acceptable.

In her concluding post, she shed light on the potential impact of fame, suggesting that it could create an echo chamber of viewpoints that enables emotionally abusive conduct. Sarah Brady's statements on Instagram offer her perspective on her relationship with Jonah Hill, alleging emotional abuse.

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